t: 07516 185380
A voice for families of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities
More Information & Help
SEND Guide for Parent Carers
This is a quick and easy guide for parent carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
This guide has been put together by Reading Families
Forum in partnership with other services, to help families access
information on local
SEND services for
children, young
people with
additional needs.
SEND Local Offer Newsletters
The SEND Local Offer Newsletter contains news and information on
Holiday Clubs/Childcare
Short Breaks/Respite
Clubs, groups & Community Activities
What's on/Events/Workshops
Clubs & Services for Adults
Family Support
The SEND Local Offer 16+ Newsletter is packed full of information about what is available to young people with SEND as they transition into adulthood.
To be added to the mailing list to receive the newsletter, please contact the Local Offer team, email localoffer@reading.gov.uk or call 0118 937 3777 (opt 2).
The newsletters provide just a snapshot of what is available on the Local Offer so if there is something missing that you would like information about, please contact the Local Offer team.
School Groups
Would you like to join an existing school group? Reading Families' Forum has supported a number of schools to provide speakers to parents of their SEND children, and we can continue to help with this where funds allow. Contact us for more information.

External Resources
There is a wide variety of support and resources online for parents and carers of SEND children and young people. We have collected the ones most used by our families here.
Our partner organisations
The leading autism charity in Berkshire, delivering quality specialist services, training and social and leisure activities throughout the county.
t: 0118 959 4594
Brighter Futures for Children is a not-for-profit company, owned by, but independent of, Reading Borough Council, and responsible for the delivery of children’s social care, early help & prevention, education services (including SEND), fostering and adoption, the Youth Offending Service and traded services with schools.
t: 0118 937 3641
Help adults with social care needs find care and support so they can live as independently as possible in their own homes. This includes older people, people with physical disabilities or learning disabilities, and mental health service users.
t: 0118 937 3747
Supports children and young people aged 0-25 who have special educational needs or a disability and their parents and carers by providing free impartial, confidential and accurate information, advice and support about education, health and social care. t: 0118 937 3421
Works to facilitate and accelerate access to essential services, information, resources
and life opportunities so that all people affected by disability can live a full life.
Aims to eliminate discrimination and promote positive relationships between communities, and advocates equal opportunities for all people of ethnic minorities in the Greater Reading area.
t: 0118 951 0279
Supports children in the early years with
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
to achieve their full potential.
t: 0118 327 7424
Parenting Special Children’s mission is to provide specialist parenting support to parents and carers of children and young people with Special Needs, so that they can create positive change in their lives.
t: 0118 986 3532
A consortium of four local charities who have been commissioned by West Berkshire and Reading Local Authorities to provide services for unpaid carers across their area from November 2022.
Provides services for children and adults with learning disabilities and their parents and carers.
t: 0118 966 2518